Hello all,
A roundup of my recent essays for those who might be interested.
On the ongoing kidnapping of Canada’s most famous literary icon, Anne of Green Gables, by the Left: “The Kidnapping of Anne of Green Gables.”
A follow-up to my previous Substack newsletter on how pornography is causing girls to identify as transgender: “Readers Respond: Rape Culture, Transgenderism, and Growing Up in Porn World.”
My review of a powerful new documentary (which can be watched at the link): “Lost Boys: Transgender ‘Care’ is Castration by Another Name.”
I interviewed the great British columnist Peter Hitchens on his fifty years in journalism—and he shared some wild stories: “Peter Hitchens Reflects on 50 Years in Journalism.”
My thoughts on the death of Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin, and Russia’s Christian dissidents: “Russia’s Christian Dissidents.”
As always, I’ve got plenty of other short, regular culture updates on The Bridgehead, and you can get a copy of Prairie Lion: The Life and Times of Ted Byfield here and here, and my other books here.
My question is that whilst the west rails against the Russians why do we expect anything else apart from autocracy? There is no history of tolerance or democracy.
My other question is how does it benefit the Russian administration to murder the opposition? They just make martyrs out of the victims.
That piece about Anne was just plain sad. I think I am a match for your wife, as I actually moved to Canada because I was inspired by Montgomery's stories :)