Two pro-family victories in Ireland, the agony of Ellen Page (& other stories)
Hello all,
A few essays and interviews for you!
First, some very encouraging news out of Ireland, where the progressive establishment lost two referendums on amending the Irish constitution by staggering margins—one of which would have erased the only mention of “mothers.” My friend Ben Scallan of Gript Media joined me to explain what it all means—and how the tide may be turning: “Is woke ideology in retreat in Ireland after two major pro-family referendum victories?”
I also have several columns in The European Conservative. On the Hollywood predators who contributed to Ellen Page’s “transgender journey”: “The agony of Ellen Page.”
On being between the twin pincers of progressive decadence and radical Islamism: “What Morocco Taught Me About the Decline of the West.”
On abortion and America’s literary icons: “The Cruelty of John Steinbeck.”
I have several more essays in the works from TEC, First Things, and The Bridgehead, as well as finishing up the final chapters of my next book. Thanks for reading!
As always, I’ve got plenty of other short, regular culture updates on The Bridgehead, and you can get a copy of Prairie Lion: The Life and Times of Ted Byfield here and here, and my other books here.