Welcome to The Bridgehead
Here at The Bridgehead, I discuss the post-Christian world, how we got here, and how we can respond to the ever-multiplying challenges of this new age. I’m looking forward to connecting directly with readers who are grappling with the same questions—and was very honored that Paul Kingsnorth recommended this newsletter to his own readers. His Substack “The Abbey of Misrule” is an essential contribution to the questions so many of us are asking.
I also write for First Things, The American Conservative, and am a contributing editor for The European Conservative. My work will be sent out regularly through this newsletter, and can also be found on my website.
I’ve also written a few books, the most recent of which are Patriots: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Pro-life Movement—the story of how the Irish pro-life movement’s great political coup and how they kept abortion out for 35 years—and Prairie Lion: The Life and Times of Ted Byfield, the authorized biography of Canada’s great social conservative journalist, activist, and publisher. (There are a few others here.) The stories of the counter-revolutionary men and women who made up the backlash to the Sexual Revolution is too often told by the revolutionaries who hate us, and I would like to remedy that where and when I can.
We live in a strange new world where everything is changing. I hope you’ll join me in trying to understand how we got here—and how we must live now.