Thank you for this excellent interview. And thanks to Jennifer Bilek for the important work she does. "They are fueling an effort to confer human rights upon a segment of the population who are seeking to disown their humanity—a concept that warrants closer examination." This, right here, is the crux of the matter and most assuredly "warrants closer examination".

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The crux of the matter is that we have a political party, namely the Democratic Party, that is fighting a single large voting bloc, namely (mostly-white) Republicans. White people are 70% of registered voters and 60% of them vote Republican. To defeat Republicans, Democrats have since 1964 adopted a racial coalition strategy, wherein they've managed to get the vast majority of nonwhites to vote for them. Democrats accomplish this by fomenting discontent with Republicans and white people in general (just read the mainstream headlines on any given day to get a sense of this). But Democrats have run out of racial groups, so now they're fragmenting the population further with manufactured ailments and positioning themselves as the champions of the sufferers. These sufferers then get swept into the Democrats' voting coalition. Here's how Democrats manufactured one such bloc: "The Transgender Emperor": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-transgender-emperor

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It's not just America.

Europe is doing the ethnically cleansing of white people.

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It's also a men's rights movement.And these men parading around as "women" - taking our space from women and girls-are simply enacting another version of Blackface.I find it insanely insulting.

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Men's rights advocates are the scum of the Earth, for sure. I mean what do men need rights for? They are all CEOs, heads of state and kings!

But to give them their credit they have spent the last 40+ years warning the public that the billionaires are funding the destruction of gender, the break up of the family, the erasure of natural motherhood, and mixing up of gender identity and gender roles, in order to create a largely genderless, unisex population - which is what they want.

Men's rights advocates warned us that the billionaires began the whole de-gendering program by promoting the theory that gender is no more than a 'social construct' and that women's gender identity and gender roles were not biologically innate to women, but were in fact arbitrarily imposed upon women by society.

It was 'social construct theory' which persuaded whole generations of women to eschew their female identity, and strive to live like men (or a caricature of men) in the belief that this was the only path to female 'liberation' and 'empowerment'.

Being a natural woman, driven by hard wired biological drives and impulses, was a sign of 'oppression' (so the narrative goes). Natural female reproduction was to be neutralised by taking endocrine disruptors, which allowed women to adopt a pseudo male sexuality - which was heavily promoted by the billionaires, again, as a form of 'liberation' and 'empowerment'.

In the final stages the billionaires funded endless Hollywood movies depicting women living lives as pseudo men, as aggressive, power dressing lawyers and CEO's, or as action heroes (terms like 'heroine', or even 'actress' were made taboo), who could 'kick ass' and beat up men twice their size with karate chops and a shit eating grin.

It was this billionaire funded ideology, which commonly goes by the name of 'feminism', which has paved the way for the complete de-gendering of society.... now with the addition of even more cross sex hormones and surgeries.

But I completely agree. It really is the fault of the men's right movement. They should have stood up on a chair and warned us all by screaming at the top of their lungs.

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It is sad to see your 1st sentence in this diatribe. There and always have been good men and women fighting against the abuse of bullies of all sorts aka dictators. Along with all of these men have been women who supported them and even promoted the same horrible abuses by their side. I agree that women tended to be more compassionate caring and grounded in goodness but unfortunately there are many who have always lost their way and succumbed to greed, self interest, and lacked compassion through history. Why should I think even white men need rights? Just think about that question for a moment. Why did the founders of our constitution say all men (implying all humans) are created equal and should have a bill of rights endowed by our creator. That thought does not say any group does not need to be included and is why our county was one of the very 1st to give the the blacks (& everyone) freedom from slavery. Men tend to gain control of things outside the home but their beginnings were inside the home where women have more control by nature. One may think men control that too but who has the most impact on children in a home while the man is out fighting or foraging, etc. We are all in this together. There should be more women on the side of goodness but without men (including white ones) our world cannot overcome evil tendencies. Christ was a man and I believe his teachings cannot be improved if you really study hard his way of treating people especially those who are poor, injured, ill, or emotionally in need. He loved everyone and have his life voluntarily for our good. One of his last sentences was "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Etc.

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"It is sad to see your 1st sentence in this diatribe. "

You realise it was sarcastic, right? (a criticism of the feminist position).

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The rest of the article should have alerted me to it being sarcastic but it sounded so serious that it slipped by me. Sorry for the error.

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And if this is the road to trans humanism, it is also extremely dangerous.,

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Well, down yet another rabbit hole I go! Truly, this one is a horror show with nothing at the bottom but the total destruction of this world. The end game is to destroy humanity, and everything that makes us human and replace it with Godless imitations of man. I have never been so glad to be “old”, to have seen this world I live in through the filters of my ignorance, and when (I thought) the world was good. To some degree I, like most of those who have opened their eyes, was simply living in “The Matrix”, because now we know they lied to us for decades. Still, there is fight left in me, and I will not go quietly!


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Were it not for my kids, I too would succumb to this demoralization.

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No better reason to fight than for those who come after us…and for the principle of the thing!

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If you have to go, go down swinging.

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TechnoMarxism. Rockefeller's wet dream, passed on to the other depraved globopsychohomopedo billionaire class members.

No children, no God, no man, no woman. Just allegiance and dependence on the state for all.

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It’s more like super Capitalism, since there is a huge profit to be made from all of this. I don’t see any Marxism in this.

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How can you have capitalism if there is nothing tangible to be gained? It used to be a greedy oligarch threw people down a mine shaft to produce coal that they would sell to other poor suckers who were similarly being exploited etc. with the oligarch raking off everything and owning lots of stuff and insuring easy living for the noxious offspring. I think now they have come to the conclusion that there is no longer any use for us proles especially as they see no need for us to participate in an economy of goods to support life-No need anymore because they don't need us alive to do anything for them. We are worth more to them dead than alive, so they can liquidate all of our assets and vaporize our existence and all except the few they need to serve them. My thought is that they see Africa and South America as all they need to supply compliant slaves, those of us in prosperous countries (or used to be prosperous) got to go.

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Jennifer's work is so very important because she is addressing the "macro-level" issues that often remain invisible as we are all too often perhaps absorbed by the minutiae and the weeds of it all - in the process losing sight of the forest - for the trees. I suspect that even if we stopped the "transitioning" madness in its tracks tomorrow - there will still be more than enough broken human bodies to satisfy "research needs" going forward for some time. One suspects that as detransitioners express their regret at, for instance, being unable to experience sexual pleasure as adults - this same "industry" will come valiantly riding in on its white-tech-horse with some combination of drugs, AI and brain implants to make orgasm possible to those that earlier had their genitals severed. The same people now actively destroying human bodies will no doubt in the near future present themselves as glorious "saviors" - the only ones able to rescue those they earlier castrated, mutilated and damaged with drugs. It will be framed "unethical" to not let the "experiments" continue and lead where they may. All a sort of perfectly twisted circle of Mengele level "medical malpractice" - promoted instead, as Jennifer points out - as a human rights movement.

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I have started using the term "rainbow sterilization program" to describe the trans-insanity movement.

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Obviously. Restoring a simulacrum of sexual function to those medico-ideologically deprived of it, is a prime market opportunity -- a niche begging to be filled. But it will need good marketing to convince the numbed victims that there is something they are missing out on.

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As far as I am aware, one of the few things that every culture and religion around the world shared up until 2015 was that there are two genders, "male" and "female". This shared belief was so ubiquitous that mechanical fasteners, plumbing hardware and electrical fittings that "mate" together used these terms to distinguish one half of the connection from the other (a bolt has a "male" thread while a nut has a "female" thread, or a "male" prong that is inserted into a "female" socket).

What better way to divide and demoralize the world than to turn this widely accepted foundational truth upside down?

Add to this the emergence of "Queer Theory" as an academic field taught in universities, in which, from what I understand, all manner of sexual deviance is explored in the quest for rejecting societal norms.

If people want to reject societal norms, let them do it. But why should society foot the bill for it, while also bending over backwards to accept ideology whose purpose is to overthrow said society?

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The objective is not to completely overthrow our society; the objective is for one political party to gain a decisive, permanent majority. And here is how this party gets supposedly rational people to buy into it, which leads to their footing the bill for it: "The Transgender Emperor": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-transgender-emperor

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Will check out your link. Thanks!

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I do agree with Jennifer Bilek that the use of language is so important. Redefining language use is a central strategy of transactivists in legitimising the body dissociation industry. So every time we use the term "gender critical" it cedes territory to gender ideologists: wouldn't we be better calling ourselves "biological realists" or some such equivalent? To state our own beliefs (in scientific fact) instead of defining ourselves by lack of belief in theirs.

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Oooo, I like this idea. I can use it then, yah? I'll give credit if you want me to.

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PS Beware (if you're not already used to it) that you will be accused by transactivists of "biological essentialism" -- as though this is some kind of bad thing. And will also be told that GC "biological essentialism" conflicts with everything that feminists fought / fight against: basically the notion that "biology is destiny" dismantled by Betty Friedan in her 1963 book "The Feminist Mystique" that helped to launch 1970s "second wave" feminism. And resisted by just about every feminist since. While anti-feminists will also tell you that "feminism = rejection of biology" was the Basic Cause of the whole transactivist movement-now-industry. These self-serving and simplistic conflations take a lot of unpicking to refute. But I think it's better to confront them head-on, as claiming to be a "biological realist" gives you the advantage in defining what YOU mean by it.

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You are welcome!

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Thanks for a fascinating and disturbing article. It has always been obvious to me that the "transgender" regime is not an organic movement, or if it ever was, then it has been rocketed to prominence by some sort of very big money. But big money alone isn't enough. To force transgenderism into law, the billionaires need the assistance of a political party. And to ram the insanity of transgender "logic" down the throats of otherwise rational people, that political party needs a psychological operation. PLEASE READ: The Transgender Emperor: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-transgender-emperor

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You're on someone else's substack promoting your own substack is rude to say the least. Doing it once is bad enough, but then you leave several comments, replies doing it over and over again. STOP IT! As though this substack and Jennifer Bilek's work isn't good enough. I assure you they are perfectly well equipped to deal with this matter without your arrogant desperate contribution.

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By the way, when I do this frequently on the articles of a particular favorite author of mine, I ask his/her permission to continue doing so, and so far I've always gotten it. Other authors understand the difficulties of growing one's readership. Beyond that, other authors have appreciated my work and cross-posted my articles, which they'd have never known about had I not posted links in my comments on THEIR articles.

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A few years ago I was simply writing comments on people's articles when I realized that I couldn't say what I felt needed saying in just a few words. I also noticed that most comments by most people were merely useless expressions of emotion, accomplishing nothing. So I decided to express my full intent in articles rather than just in comments, so that people might be able to read something more than just a snippet. That's been my approach to comments ever since. When I feel strongly enough about a subject to comment on it, I leave my whole opinion in the form of a link to an article, rather than just writing a few words. Regarding my promoting my articles in this manner: yes, by leaving links to my articles, I am promoting them. I notice that you don't seem to be a Substack author. Perhaps then you have no idea how hard it is to get any readership. Perhaps on some larger level you are unfamiliar with the fact that there is no point to producing things when almost nobody consumes them. I do not charge anyone to read my articles; I have no paid subscriptions. Why exactly does it bother you that I have larger opinions than most people and that I leave little links at the end of my comments, so that others might read my expanded thoughts for free?

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I've never seen anyone do this before. The first of yours I saw here struck me as rude, but I moved on without any feeling of replying no big deal, but you kept doing it and it seemed really beyond rude to me. You also didn't clarify that you have the authors permission. And yes, I do have a substack, but I lost connection with it when over a year ago my computer broke down. I used to promote my substack on my FB page. I didn't know people were doing this for each other on substack. I apologize for my reaction.

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I had a similar reaction Laurie; when one looks at who has "liked" this post of Jonathon's there's oodles of people who have Substacks.

So it really would not do if every commentator promoted their own Substack.

In David's defence though, the Substack that he linked is very relevant to the topic at hand.

Generally I would say that a commenter needs to make such a good comment that one clicks on their name to enjoy some more. Then they don't need to actually push, or link to, a posting of theirs.

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I became a subscriber as a result of your link. Thank you.

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Thank you for interviewing Jennifer. I started reading the11thhourblog.com in 2020, when I was "Trancelled". She, and just a handful of other women's rights campaigners, were linking the income stream for gender clinics to the Transhumanists.

Previously, only thinkers within the Catholic Church had spoken about this planned assault on the human family. And as we know, it's now trendy to dismiss the concerns of anyone even slightly religious.

To me, the link with Transhumanism was obvious, but then I had 50 years of reading s-f behind me! It's been an uphill struggle to even talk about this to other campaigners, but thanks to Jennifer, we're getting there.

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I started reading sci-fi in the early 60’s and it’s remarkable to see so many of the sci-fi themes come true. Like you, I believe it gave me a unique view of what humanity is capable of!

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Judy, do you remember the 1969 hit "In the Year 2525'? I heard it recently and its prescience was chilling to listen to:

"In the year 6565, won't need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your sons, pick your daughters too

From the bottom of a log glass tube"

How did they know???

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I do remember it! And you’re right, how did they know….

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The entire song is frighteningly accurate!

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Rothblatt's book "From Transgender to Transhuman" is a very explicit link from the core of the industry

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The two old sayings that "Nothing ever changes" and "there is nothing new under the sun" fit this article to a T. Whenever I read of a wealthy and ultra priveledged class of corrupt and self seeking nouveau riche I am reminded of Charles Dickens (Tale of Two Cities) pinpointing the poverty stricken father cradling the crushed body of his little child. The exact moment when we, the modern equivalent of that grieving father, see that we can change the societal structure that murders our children, will be fearsome to behold. Most people have become too accepting or are blind to the status quo, but sometimes we have to endure the torture of hanging on to a murderer's carriage in order to stop the predatory destruction of not only our own children, but also the future of our whole civilization.

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"Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose" here refers I think more to so many people's gullibility and capacity for self-deception -- rather than asking awkward and obvious questions -- which Jennifer Bilek pursues with such horrifying but unsurprising results.

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Thank you.

It's not a grassroots movement it's a top-down, money making Agenda-a destabilizing plan-permeating Western societies. In Canada 600+ girls have had their breast removed.Children as young as 10 are "transitioning" , taking hormones.It's an ugly ,sick Idea and another example of Elites poisoning our lives.

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Wonderful piece. Thanks for platforming Bilek, she is definitely among those at the helm of cracking the code into the implications of transgender to transhuman trajectory.

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As Graham Linehan, Irish comedian says:

"Women are not a costume."

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While he completely supports adults transitioning and loves trans identified fetish males. David/Debbie Hayton for one.

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it's anti gay as well as misogynistic and the lgb needs to divorse the t,

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They already have. As a result of the twanz overstating their cause there are now LGB Alliances that have organized in opposition to the T in both the UK and the US and maybe other countries too.

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Good point. Not sure who is in charge of nomenclature among the alphabet group, but they made a horrible error when they started adding letters beyond "B".

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Amen, amen, amen to this!!

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Question for Jennifer Bilek: Did you read Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D. with Stacey Colino book COUNT DOWN: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race.copyright 2020.

Did you study what ‘gender benders’i.e. Atrazine, glyphosate, etc. does to both male and female sexual identities? The rise in the production and use of ‘gender-bender’ chemicals on Earth, clearly shows a parallel rise in homosexuality, asexuality, and everything in-between. We are ruled by Toxic Chemical Imperialists….better living through chemistry?…I think NOT.

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Yes, we have chemically plastic poisoned ourselves out of existence. However, the historic trajectory of what we call transgender goes like this.

Transvestitism>Transsexualism>Transgenderism and was started by men only over 100 years ago. The fact that this creepy fetish field of medicine was allowed to develop in the first place has everything to do with men's constant pursuit to make life in their own image. It was Never penis envy. It has in fact, been womb envy all along. This is what we get for letting men run the world.

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Yes Laurie. Toxic Patriarchy….glorifying male arrogance & hubris……at the expense of the feminine Spirit….

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A very real vision of a horribly morbid, empty and soulless society. God gives a descriptive view of the this coming insanity in the book of the Revelation of end time prophecy. In the beginning verses of chapter 8: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” The following verses speak of judgement of those who partake of this evil. Our society is spinning deeper into utter chaos. The only sane choice is to STAND FIRM ON TRUTH in unrelenting perseverance and trust in the One one who is sovereign over all nations

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