I think you’re right in many ways. There’s another nuance, though, that you didn’t mention. This is not the most important issue in the world to most people (although it is for me because I also have a child caught up in this mess). But this issue is opening people’s eyes to the fact that freedom of speech and belief and being curtailed, the government is censoring people, and the media is lying to us. And that IS the most important issue in the world.

I used to believe the narrative that there was a very small number of people who insisted from an early age that they were the opposite sex, that never changed, and maybe there was some biological reason for it. When my own previously very stereotypically feminine daughter decided at age 14 that she was a boy, it did not compute. It was obvious that the trans-supporting information being given to me was dishonest - the previous 14 years did in fact exist and I was there!

I started looking for information that made sense. And I found it, and other parents in the same situation. And then I started to wonder what else I’d been lied to about. Perhaps Trump wasn’t actually Satan? Perhaps my opinions about him had been manipulated by dishonest media? I started to see all the propaganda, all the ways that we’re being manipulated by media and entertainment and corporations (including those we work for).

And so I’ve veered rightward. I think it’s becoming more and more obvious how we’re being manipulated, and more people are starting to realize it, but I recognize Musk’s journey because it’s a lot like what I’ve experienced. And this is the issue that causes a lot of people to see what’s going on, and start to fight back against censorship.

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That political party does have a problem.

I’ve recently heard discussions about states imposing restrictions on child transitions, vs parental rights with doctors decisions.

This issue is no different than other minor-child restrictions. There must be an age of consent.

For example, tobacco use, alcohol use, drivers license, ability to sign contracts, join the military, having sex… tattoos. These require a minimum age of consent, for good reason.

Children are too undeveloped and inexperienced to understand the consequences of their decisions, especially long-term consequences. They cannot understand the effect on themselves, family or society. They do not have the ability to comprehend how their lives are forever altered by choices.

Early hormone treatment before puberty is irreversible and causes lifelong impact. Surgeries create lifelong medical patients, and there is never a true recovery. Genital surgeries are horrific when you dig into the details.

If we apply the trans ideology into other situations, the logic cannot stand.

If a kid feels like a fish and wants to alter their fingers to have webs so that they can swim faster, should doctors perform surgery to accommodate this?

If a 10-year-old girl is unhappy with her chest and wants to have augmentation to a C cup, does that make sense?

Where does it end?

Should we surgically amputate fingers for kids who want to appear like an alien?

Children do not have informed consent because they cannot comprehend the impacts of their decisions.

Society has a responsibility to protect children from parents and doctors who would take advantage.

Any political party supporting child “transition” is doomed by basic logic.

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True but incomplete. Not observed is that Elon has a dozen or so procured children from IVF, itself a medical outrage. And an alienating procedure which might well send his procured children into existential questioning. (Note also some of the offensive names he has given his procured children. )

My thesis is that just as president warp speed initially presented as a prolife savior but is winding up an abortocrat, Elon is presenting as a transgender savior, only to wind up as pusher of frankentube new world. That was obviously the secret cost of Elon support to trump.

So yes, Democrats lost on transgender, but Trump's a Democrat reality actor plant ( momaddadmatters.substack.com) so we'll all lose to frankentube new world. Everyone should read that book and stave it off.

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Up until 5 or so years ago, I didn't care about the tranny cult. They kept to themselves and I honestly didn't care what adults did to themselves, or why.

What I despise, and what I will fight against, is pushing the cult ideology down our throats. The indoctrination of our children in pre-school and kindergarten is evil and disgusting. I will fight here as well. I will fight against indoctrinators that push their porn on our children in schools. And yes, it is porn. I will fight against doctors who think that surgically mutilating and chemically castrating children is healthcare. Men competing in sports is a travesty, and I will fight against those freaks as well. And lastly, I will fight against state governments that will take children away from parents. This was one of my top 3 issues in the election. If the left doesn't back down, they will lose even more again and again and again.

Adults can go be perverts and freaks in their own homes. Leave our workplace and families out of it. Stay out of women's sports. Stay out of our children's schools.

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Biological reality is BINARY. Quit lying!

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