Well said. A number of us have admired Candace and her strong conservative stand. It’s now shocking to see what has happened and it’s sad too. She’s obviously bought into deception.

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Thank-you for this column. I appreciated Candace when she shed light on the problems of the Black Lives Matter movement, but disappointed in the direction she's taken more recently ... she seems bent on stirring up controversy to get easier YouTube likes. I have seen a few other former YouTubers I liked going this way. Stopped following her and them.

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The Masons/illuminati and the Catholics have been at it forever, The Titanic is good example or a bad a example depending on how you look at it. I applaud her for putting it out there

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I must say I don’t get the rabid take down : unless it’s coz you’re a Zionist.

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The article explains pretty clearly why Owens' trajectory is concerning, and your comment explains why so many people are following her.

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What I find difficult about your article is you create a sense that only experts can comment on anything. I find that kind of snobbery off putting.

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Yeah I guess genocide is a big turn off. To me she’s on a personal journey down many rabbit holes and simply sharing her discoveries; as many of us are doing- and that’s what’s appealing. She doesn’t have to be right but imo she’s asking the right questions.

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She actually isn't, as the article illustrates. And while you do not have to be an expert, I think we are certainly seeing the results of total confidence combined with total ignorance--the result is in objective historical falsehoods being sold to millions to further theories that, in most cases, do not even have a tenuous basis in fact. That is clearly a problem. I think it is also a problem when highlighting sloppy mistakes, bad research, and bad faith analyses attracts the accusation of "snobbery." Caring about truth is not elitist.

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She has every right to questioning Ww2 and the events since we are treated with a version which lacks credibility- Churchill was a cruel man whose character should be re assessed. the events that led to the creation of Israel; which has been a disaster for all concerned shouldn’t avoid scrutiny especially now whilst Israel is brutally genociding Palestinians . Questioning the moon landing ; also interesting and necessary because that again needs a closer look( those “spacecrafts” I mean come on, its laughable the whole thing is so full of holes )There’s nothing wrong with her saying whatever she wants; thanks to the first amendment im glad she can without getting sent in prison. Perhaps you’d like to see her taken off the air because of her silly views? I personally support free speech even if I don’t like what people say. Who gets to decide who says what? Only approved experts I suppose.

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Sure, anyone has the right to question anything. But responsible voices have a right and a duty to weigh in on the discussion and point out if the person making those claims is remotely credible. We are not silencing the discussion--we are joining it. But one of the neat tricks Candace followers like to play is to insist that any pushback or expose detailing her ignorance and hubris is "censorship" or "cancel culture" when it fact is is just more speech, which they claim to support. I didn't suggest that she get taken off the air, or anywhere else. She can be as kooky and ridiculous as she likes. The cost of that is people who actually know something about these topics responding and pointing out that she is kooky and ridiculous. Not just "approved experts"--people who know the history and can see their claims tested against actual evidence.

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Whose defining and is an authority on “responsible” voices? I’d say she has many voices speaking out against her - you may call many of those people “responsible”. I think everyone calls out their detractors by calling them names: it’s all the rage- criticise Israel : anti semite, criticise trans ideology- transphobe bigot criticise mass immigration: racist. It’s not surprising that the divided masses resort to these infantile argument tactics because that’s the current culture as demonstrated nicely by our overlords.The consequence you mentioned sounds positive for opening further conversation and opening of minds; hopefully.

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