Forgiveness will save the world

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I can't help but think of this interview with Tim Ballard, about the movie "The Sound of Freedom" . The men in this interview articulated passionately their views on topics that seem to come together into seemingly one agenda, things like gender ideology, sex education in schools, pornography, using children, child trafficking. So many connections. And they highlight the crucial role of parents to protect their children. Start listening around the half-way mark of this interview. https://www.youtube.com/live/UK3NWozQXdY?feature=share

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It was and is a lie and a fantasy that these parents were sold. I do not have much sympathy for them. They should have known better but saying that if their child would forgive them then they will be set free. If you confess your sins Our Saviour is just and will forgive so there is redemption in Christ.

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